AlphaValue Corporate Services
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Cementir Holding

Bloomberg   CEM IM
Ciments & Agrégats  /  Italie  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
Egalement présent dans : Sociétés holdings
Positioned in a niche market
Potentiel 37,6 %
Cours (€) 9,88
Capi (M€) 1 572
Perf. 1S: -1,20 %
Perf. 1M: 5,44 %
Perf. 3M: 2,89 %
Perf Ytd: 6,45 %
Perf. relative/stoxx600 10j: -0,03 %
Perf. relative/stoxx600 20j: 5,73 %
EPS change13/02/2023 09:06

Changement d’EPS2022 : € 0,90 vs 0,81+10,6 %
2023 : € 0,95 vs 0,87+9,30 %

We have updated our model following the better than expected preliminary FY22 results. The EPS 2022 is up by €0.09 and the EPS 2023 forecast is increased by €0.08, driven by high price increases leading to 13% higher revenue and 6% higher EBITDA than in our previous estimates.

Changement de DCF€ 13,7 vs 12,8+7,29 %

The strong growth reported this year has enabled an upwards revision to our sales estimates even in a conservative scenario due to the uncertain macroeconomic situation. Since we have increased our 2024 EBITDA forecast, which is the base value for the DCF, the overall valuation has risen, leading to a 5% increase in our Target Price to €11.25.

Mises à Jour

13 mai 24 Publication Res./CA
Q1 24: a rebound is expected in the H2

13 févr. 24 Publication Res./CA
FY 23: A conservative look to the future

08 nov. 23 Publication Res./CA
Q3 23: Conservative guidance

31 juil. 23 Publication Res./CA
H1 23: positive price-cost spread

10 mai 23 Publication Res./CA
Q1 23: Pricing boosts profitability

18 avr. 23 EPS change
Price hikes boost the EPS

13 févr. 23 Publication Res./CA
FY 22: Price hikes to manage inflation.
