AlphaValue Corporate Services
Cette analyse a été commandée et financée par l’entreprise concernée et constitue donc un avantage non-monétaire mineur tel que défini par MIFID2


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Sociétés holdings  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
Résistant aux vents contraires macroéconomiques

Score de durabilité
Société (Secteur)
2,9 (5,6)

La durabilité est constituée d'éléments analytiques contribuant au E, au S et au G, qui peuvent être mis en évidence comme précurseurs de la durabilité et peuvent être combinés de manière satisfaisante.

  Score Poids  
Taux de membres indépendants du Conseil d'Administration 5/10 25 %More ...
Diversité géographique du Conseil d'Administration 0/10 20 %
Fonction de Chairman distincte de l’exécutif 5 %
Emissions CO² 1/1025 %More ...
Prélèvement d'eau 1/1010 %
Évolution de la dispersion des salaires0/105 %More ...
Satisfaction au travail3/105 %
Communication interne10/105 %

Score de durabilité 2,9/10 100%  
Sustainability matters

Le score de durabilité issu des outils d’AlphaValue n’est pas applicable à IDI, étant donné que plusieurs données nécessaires au calcul des scores environnementaux et sociaux ne concernent pas les structures de type holding telles que IDI. Par conséquent, le calcul du score de durabilité n’est pas pertinent dans le cas de cet émetteur.

Score d'Environnement
Société (Secteur)
1,0 (4,0)
Ensembles de données évalués en tant que tendances sur un calendrier glissant, en fonction du secteur
Emissions CO²1/105/10 30 %
Prélèvement d'eau1/103/10 30 %
Energie1/104/10 25 %
Déchets1/104/10 15 %
Score d'Environnement1,0  100%
Environment matters

Le score d’Environnement issu des outils d’AlphaValue n’est pas applicable à IDI, étant donné que plusieurs données nécessaires au calcul de la notation de l’environnement ne concernent ni ne s’appliquent à des structures de type holding telles qu’IDI.

Paramètres environnementaux

Energy (GJ) per €m in capital

CO² tons per €m in capital

Cubic meter water
withdrawal per €m in capital

Tons waste generated per €m in
capital employed
IDI Autres Financières
Données sectorielles
Société PaysScore d'EnvironnementEnergie (totale, GJ)Emissions CO2 (tonnes)CO2
(in tons)
Prélèvement d'eau (m3)Déchets (total, tonnes)
Ackermans & van Haaren 2/10 672 792   
Adyen 3/10n/a10 168 n/an/a
Amundi 9/1056 2826 392 32 085161
Bolloré 10/101 066 59756 876 242 70522 515
Bouygues 6/1042 149 0002 300 000 1 000 000 
Corporacion Financiera Alba 10/1034 5381 972 37 045373
D’Ieteren Group 6/101 971 982127 460  163 955
Deutsche Beteiligungs AG BH 1/10 210   
Deutsche Boerse 7/10303 0769 227 74 63320
DWS 4/10 2 126   
EdenRed 4/1044 3567 812 44 166468
En+ 2/10353 000 00053 800 000 1 035 300 000225 000 000
Eurazeo 6/109 827 411832 409 36 311 69440 627
Euronext NV 4/1023 5226 714 253 892 
Exor 3/10 351 370   
GBL 4/10 171   
Hal Trust 1/10     
HBM Healthcare Investments BH 1/10     
Heineken Holding 7/107 009 0001 200 000 86 000 0005 092 000
IDICR 1/10     
Industrivärden 10/103 490 125291 000 2 128 12585 125
Investor 10/1019 224 680217 114 11 137 056397 752
Kinnevik Investment 6/10688229 124 n/an/a
Leonteq AG 6/1012 294321   
London Stock Exchange Group 6/10593 84273 836 1 166185
Nexi 5/10240 60211 573 605 6001 319
Partners Group BH 4/10 2 297 2 374 472 
Pluxee 1/10     
Porsche SE 1/10     
Prosus 5/101 85018 743 1 07423
Sonae 8/103 023 469157 568 2 232 119110 054
Swissquote Group Holding 7/1012 751113 n/a276
Tessenderlo Group 5/1015 647 684900 413 18 023 972213 499
Vivendi 10/10458 42424 512 20 00010 007
VZ Holding BH 4/10 461 000   
Wendel 4/10 116   
Wise 4/1012 565868 n/a227
Worldline 10/10278 0949 109 17 3722 092

Social score
Société (Secteur)
4,3 (5,5)
Social matters

Le score Social issu des outils d’AlphaValue n’est pas applicable à IDI, étant donné que plusieurs données nécessaires au calcul du score social ne concernent ni ne s’appliquent à des structures de type holding telles qu’IDI.

Paramètres Quantitatifs (67 %)
Ensemble de mesures numériques liées au personnel, disponibles dans le modèle propriétaire AlphaValue, visant à établir un classement sur les questions sociales et de ressources humaines.
Evolution du personnel total2/10 20 %
Evolution du salaire moyen8/10 35 %
Part de la valeur ajoutée absorbée par les frais de personnel1/10 25 %
Part de la valeur ajoutée absorbée par les impôts1/10 20 %
Évolution de la dispersion des salaires0/10 0 %
Bonus Effectif et Retraites (0 ou 1)0
Quantitative score3,7/10 100%
Paramètres Qualitatifs (33 %)
Ensemble de critères qualitatifs, à cocher par l'analyste

Accidents du travail10/10 25 %
Developpement des ressources humaines5/10 35 %
Paye0/10 20 %
Satisfaction au travail3/10 10 %
Communication interne10/10 10 %
Score Qualitatif5,6/10 100%

Sector figures
SociétéPaysSocial Score Score QuantitatifScore QualitatifStaffing
Wise 7,78,56,26 415
Prosus 7,77,19,023 153
Adyen 7,37,47,24 299
Worldline 7,36,98,018 009
Vivendi 7,16,78,063 500
Swissquote Group Holding 6,75,79,01 157
Amundi 6,65,39,35 486
London Stock Exchange Group 6,55,29,327 290
Investor 6,37,44,117 391
Industrivärden 6,24,59,715,0
Sonae 6,16,45,452 913
Ackermans & van Haaren 6,15,67,221 858
Bouygues 6,06,15,9192 650
D’Ieteren Group 6,05,27,531 521
Kinnevik Investment 5,94,19,746,0
Heineken Holding 5,84,87,987 256
Leonteq AG 5,84,19,3567
EdenRed 5,85,56,611 621
Pluxee 5,77,42,35 560
Deutsche Boerse 5,74,58,314 218
Tessenderlo Group 5,54,67,67 314
Deutsche Beteiligungs AG BH 5,54,57,6109
Exor 5,54,18,323,0
DWS 5,34,07,94 350
Euronext NV 5,23,39,32 327
Eurazeo 5,26,03,7454
Wendel 4,75,82,789 921
Hal Trust 4,76,02,132 483
Porsche SE 4,64,45,143,0
Nexi 4,54,05,510 856
En+ 4,34,34,589 163
Bolloré 4,25,22,492 232
Partners Group BH 3,85,11,31 800
Corporacion Financiera Alba 3,84,42,7205
GBL 3,84,23,013 910
HBM Healthcare Investments BH 3,70,89,79,00
VZ Holding BH 1,11,60,00,00

Sustainability / ESG by AlphaValue:

Doubt driven, focused on dynamics

AlphaValue was set up in 2009 as an ESG native firm: since inception, no research could be published without filling up the ESG relevant items. ESG has always been there as a natural building block of the research effort.

Without much pretence, AlphaValue has accumulated 11 years of proprietary, practical data in a consistent way that has been made to “talk” with financial data. The efforts have been aimed at solving the main conundrum of ESG analytics: avoiding useless and noisy data. AlphaValue ESG data is intimately connected to the fundamental research work and its continuous updating process. In other words, AlphaValue ESG data can be made to resonate at will in terms of financial implications for those investors with the willingness to do so.

Over the last 3 years, this data, or rather the dynamic of this data, has been put at work so that it impacts directly and consistently on valuations across AlphaValue’s 450 + stocks universe. This is considerable progress vs. the dominant “consumption” of ESG raw data: ESG-type conclusions are sitting next to valuation fundamentals but hardly any investor is in a position to bridge effectively the two in a consistent and repeatable way. It takes more than a spreadsheet to get stable and auditable results that work 100% of the time.

AlphaValue reckons that it currently is the only equity research provider in Europe to have reached this stage: a perfectly smooth on-boarding of ESG data, on a continuing basis, impacting valuation fundamentals day and night.

This is available on every stock, every sector, every stock selection, every day.

Heretical ESG opinions?

ESG is a contradiction in terms. Without a good Governance, the Social and Environment items will never show progress. Social is for stakeholders and thus unlikely to please shareholders. The long-term view that good pay/working conditions are ultimately good for shareholders is, like any promise, better left to those who want to believe in it. It does not work for normal investment horizons

Environmental gains will not happen without good Governance but this is not enough as environmental progress will not happen without coercion from governments/supra-governments. There is no reason why a corporate will spend more for a possible collective gain tomorrow when it can have better returns now for its shareholders.

The environment is a cost of massive complexity and a universal one as data improves and allows for intricate tracking of what corporates are up to. There is no practical way a corporate can be valued through a web of changing definitions of environmental data. AlphaValue holds the view that all corporates are made to pay through lower GDP growth expectations resulting from friction costs. The only dimension that really matters from an investment perspective is whether a given corporate makes an extra effort vs. peers. A good ‘E’ rating shall not be driven by absolute levels but by the dynamic of emission controls relative to peers. Dumping cement stocks because they spit out carbon is a narrow view of what ESG implies.

Sustainability scores only

AlphaValue always refused to supply a pecking order of its coverage along some improbable ESG scale. It just does not make sense to mix opposing signals in a single ranking.

Sustainability is a different proposition where analytical items contributing to the E, the S and the G can be highlighted as sustainability precursors and combined in an intellectually acceptable way. This is the only scale made available by AlphaValue.

Sustainability impacts target prices

From 1-12-2020, AlphaValue substituted sustainability metrics for its Governance and Social ones when it comes to impacting valuations;

Indeed since 2019, all DCF (or DCF equivalents for Financials) have been impacted by Governance and Social metrics to connect directly ESG-type findings into share price targets and bring consistency across the board. The impact is driven by adjusting the small ‘g’ conventionally used to assess the growth to infinity. This is being tweaked to recognise, say, that good governance ultimately pays off.

The same procedure is now stemming from Sustainability metrics instead.

For the record, this has been made possible as AlphaValue has finalised its proprietary E scoring, now extended to 4 items (GHG, Waste, Water, Energy) on which a degree of data stability seems to emerge.